• 1 California trout from ROYAL FISH
  • Cherry tomato
  • 1 Carrot
  • 1 Potato
  • Red pepper
  • Lemon
  • 5-6 Cloves of garlic
  • Olive oil
  • 3 Tablespoons sour milk

Grill the California trout on a hot plate. After the fish is removed from the hob, add the previously chopped carrots, peppers, tomatoes and potatoes on the same plate and add salt and black pepper. Grill them

In the meantime, prepare the sauce by adding garlic cloves, sour milk, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and salt in a blender. Blend everything and you will obtain a white sauce.

Serve the previously roasted trout in the obtained white sauce and roasted vegetables. Enjoy with a glass of white wine of your choice.

Have a good appetite!

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Our Story

Our journey and story began in 2003 when our company Došnica DOOEL was born. We started with production of trout and carp. Оur company is spread in three different locations with three fishponds. Two of them are specialized in trout production and are located on the river Došnica in Demir Kapija and on the river Crna in Demir Hisar in the Republic of North Macedonia. The total annual production of trout is 320 tons, which makes us one of the largest producers of Californian trout in our country. The third fish pond is located on the Lake Tikveš where in a cage system of breeding, Carp is produced with an annual production of 80 tons.

We had a dream, to take a step forward and expand our production with new, sophisticated products according to the highest standards and technology. Every idea leads to realization when it is done with perseverance, commitment and love. And, we succeeded...

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